The Clinic Observation of the Partial Vital Pulpotomy of the Children` s Permanent Incisor Crown Fracture 儿童恒前牙冠折露髓部分活髓切断术的临床观察
The cutting tool was characterized by intercrystalline fracture attributed to fatigue and partial cleavage fracture in the machining process. 聚晶金刚石刀具在加工过程中的磨损机理主要表现为具有疲劳磨损特征的沿晶断裂及局部解理断裂。
Replantation of Complete Dislocation of Teeth with Partial Crown Fracture 部分冠折外伤性脱位牙的再植
Objective: To Analysis the fracture of the casting cobalt-chromium alloy removable partial denture ( RPD), then to achieve the quality and avoid the fracture of RPD. 目的:分析临床Co-Cr合金铸造可摘局部义齿(RPD)折断原因,以提高义齿质量。
By comparison with the experimental results, it is shown that the established model and the computation procedure can fully reflect the main characters of the hysterical behavior after partial fracture. 通过和有关试验结果的比较,验证了建立的模型及算法可以充分反映局部断裂后节点滞回性能的主要特点。
Hybrid partial ring three-dimensional external fixator for complicated tibiofibular fracture 组合半环式三维外固定器治疗复杂胫腓骨骨折
Objective To investigate the clinical effects of tension band internal fixation of patella, partial patellectomy and modified partial patellectomy on displaced fracture of patella in the elderly. 目的评价髌骨张力带内固定术、部分切除术及改良式部分髌骨切除术治疗老年移位性髌骨骨折的疗效。
Based on the theory of thermal conductivity, the alternate fields of temperature and thermal stress, and the penetrating depth on the top surface of a piston are calculated, by the thinking of partial differential equation, fracture mechanics and other knowledge. 根据传热学原理,利用偏微分方程和断裂力学等方面的知识,计算了活塞顶面的交变温度场、交变热应力及其穿透深度。
Biomechanical Experiment and a Preliminary Report Following Modified Partial Patellectomy for Polar Fracture of the Patella 改良髌骨部分切除术生物力学实验与初步临床报道
Calculation Transient Pressure for Partial Open Vertical Fracture Gas Wells 气井部分压开垂直裂缝井试井分析
Consequently, the finite element description of Partial differential equation for the rock mass heat conduction differential equation is given. Furthermore, the numerical simulation of distribution of the two-dimensional steady temperature field of fracture rock mass is established based on FEPG software. 给出了岩体导热偏微分方程的有限元描述,应用FEPG软件对裂隙岩体二维稳定温度场分布进行了数值模拟。
Hysterical Model of Steel Frame Connection Considering Partial Fracture 考虑钢框架节点局部断裂的滞回模型
The fracture was diverted from the main manner of intergranular fragile crack to the manner of intergranular fragile crack with partial dimple gliding fracture with the increase of temperature. 随着温度的升高,断裂方式由沿晶脆性断裂为主逐步过渡到沿晶脆性断裂和部分的韧窝韧性断裂的混合断裂方式。
Since 1992 the authors adopted a modified partial patellectomy to treat 13 patients with polar fracture of the patella. All patients were satisfied with the results. 我科自1992年10月以来,采用髌骨部分切除、钢丝重新附丽髌韧带贴近髌骨前面骨皮质的改良方法治疗髌骨上、下极骨折13例,按陆裕朴的评定标准,优良率达100%。
Methods 9 cases with tibiofibular complicated fracture were treated with hybrid partial ring three-dimensional external fixator, which included type ⅱ, ⅲ open fracture, multiple segmental fracture, metaphyseal fracture, old fracture and nonunion. 方法应用组合半环式三维外固定器治疗Ⅱ、Ⅲ型开放性骨折、多段骨折、近关节部位骨折及陈旧性骨折不愈合等复杂的胫腓骨骨折共9例。
It is shown by crystal boundary analyses that there is no obvious inclusion elements partial gather at the crystal boundary, so it is considered that the high temperature temper brittleness has no direct relative to the brittle fracture of the wire. 通过对断口晶界的分析表明,断口晶界处并无明显杂质元素偏聚的迹象,可以认为高温回火脆性与钢丝脆断并无直接关系。
Treatment of Lower Partial Fracture of Patella with Protective Operation on Patellar Tendon 髌腱保护法治疗髌骨下部分骨折
Tests on the Impact Effect of Partial Fracture at Steel Frame Connections 钢框架节点局部断裂冲击作用实验研究
Analysis of curative effect of partial pulpotomy of exposed pulp of permanent anterior tooth with fracture of crown 恒前牙冠折露髓部分切髓术的疗效分析
Anterior combined with posterior internal fixation, appropriate partial decompression and bone grafting in the surgical, which treat the thoracolumbar stress fracture in ankylosing spondylitis fracture, will achieve of the result of fracture union and neurological improvement. 前后路联合内固定、局部适当减压并植骨手术治疗强AS胸腰椎应力性骨折可使患者的骨折愈合良好,神经功能有不同程度的恢复。
For reinforced concrete structures, the existence of the partial discontinuous cracks are inevitable, with the role of alternating stress and the time of growth, this crack will continue the expansion until the structure of fracture. 对于钢筋混凝土结构来说,局部的不连续的裂纹的存在都是不可避免的,随着交变应力的作用和时间的增长,这种缺陷裂纹将会不断的扩展直至结构断裂。
Lots of osteoclasts were still to remain in Group three, osteoblasts and endochondral ossification still activated, much woven periosteous callus extended to the fracture ends, with apparent blood vessel hyperplasia, partial callus crossed the fracture gap. 一周微动组仍有较多的破骨细胞,成骨细胞活跃,软骨内成骨活跃,可见较多的编织骨膜性骨痂延伸到骨折端,其内血管增生明显,部分骨痂已越过骨折间隙。